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Being a Toddler Mom Makes Me Crazy

by Ivy B

Parenting a toddler? If you’re tired, touched out, and can’t make sense of your toddler’s emotional outbursts you’ll understand this.  I’m a toddler mom … don’t judge.

I chopped off all my hair.  Because I have no time.

I never wear makeup.  Because I have no time.

I almost always look like a hobo.  Because I have no time.

Most of the time I look a little crazy.  I may have bags under my eyes.  Or I just look completely emotionless.

I’m touched out and emotionally drained.  I try hard and feel like I fail all day.

Sometimes I allow too much screen time.

I’ve been known to lock myself in the bathroom just to get a minute alone.

And you might catch me playing games on my phone (a lot).

Toddler crying - Please don't judge me ... I'm a toddler mom! Life with toddlers is both magical and terrifying. I'm bound to look crazy and I see your judgemental stares. | www.sahmplus.com
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Please don’t judge me.  I’m a toddler mom.

I spent half the day shoving snacks and milk in my toddler’s face.  The other half of the day will be spent listening to him cry about the Mickey episode he had to watch even though it was the one he requested.

I’m a toddler mom.

Sometimes my toddler tells me what he wants for lunch.  After I make it, he’ll shake his head and whine for something else.  And when I take away his plate, he’ll whine for it.  If I have the audacity to give it back, he’ll scream at me.

I’m a toddler mom.

Tonight marks the 150th night my toddler has gone to bed without dinner.  Not for my lack of trying, but he’s become a picky eater.  If it’s not bread, it’s not worth eating, in his mind.  I can beg and plead.  I can load his plate up with barbecue sauce to entice him to at least eat some meat.  But, he licks the sauce and he’s done.I'm a toddler mom - wild toddler in hallway | www.sahmplus.com

I’m a toddler mom.

“Let’s do a puzzle” I say enthusiastically.  He runs over and grabs a puzzle of his choice and sets it in front of me.  After I remove the pieces, he hands them back for me to do the puzzle.  If I try to coerce him to place the pieces, he’ll try halfheartedly as he tries to force the piece wherever he chooses.  Then he gets angry and hands me the piece again as if to remind me it was my job in the first place.

I’m a toddler mom.

If I leave the room, my toddler will follow.  He’s likely trailing behind crying uncontrollably.  He belts out “hold you! hold you!” with tears in his eyes.  At this juncture, mommy’s the only person he wants.  And he totally disregards my need to cook dinner, pee, or just take a break.

And if I hold him, it’s not as if he’s happy unless I do whatever it is he’s set his mind on.  Another round of setting up the wrong Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode, anyone?  And he wants me to just sit there with him.

I’m a toddler mom.

I rarely get to eat breakfast.  If I do, I have to share.  It doesn’t matter if he had three breakfasts already.  Mom’s food looks amazing,  That is, until it’s on his plate.

I don’t get to pee alone … I’ve always got a witness.  But I’d better not dare put him on the potty.

I’ve resorted to leashing my toddler.  You know, because I’m certain to be the next mom to have her child fall into the gorilla cage if I don’t.

Toddler on a dinosaur backpack leash at the zoo | www.sahmplus.com

I can’t cook a meal, much less eat one, in peace.  He doesn’t want to be involved and he doesn’t want to be left alone. The only way to shop, and keep a sense of sanity, is online after the kids go to bed or spend “my time” out at a store.  It’s one of the reasons I use Shipt to have my groceries delivered. I rarely look put together.  I often look worn out.  And I feel some days I have no emotions left to give.

Please don’t judge me … I’m a toddler mom!

Are you a toddler mom?

Tell people to reserve their judgments.  Share this post or get your own statement shirt to tell the world exactly why you look so disheveled.  You know … because trailing behind the Tazmanian Devil toddler isn’t enough.

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Janine Huldie April 18, 2018 - 8:11 am

No longer a toddler mom. But you totally brought me back, especially the picky eating as my youngest was the worst with this. No judging at all and totally been there though, too.

Ivy B April 18, 2018 - 8:51 am

LOL. I wonder if we’ll forget these days like other people seem to do HAHA

Sarah Nenni-Daher April 18, 2018 - 1:47 pm

I just spat out my coffee reading, “I almost always look like a hobo.” Seriously!!!

Ivy B April 18, 2018 - 2:15 pm

LOL. Even my shirt is starting to become stained. I’m totally blaming the toddler for it too 😀

Adrienne Bruner April 18, 2018 - 3:59 pm

Oh my gosh yes! “Touched out” …sometimes I am like “get off of me!” Haha.
And I totally get you on putting sauce on something yet they just lick it off. That is my son with ketchup!

Ivy B April 18, 2018 - 4:16 pm

LOL. My son straight licks off EVERYTHING. BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard … whatever

Rebecca April 18, 2018 - 4:02 pm

Hang in there momma! My youngest is 4 and still gives me some of this business. Those days of being totally over touched over loved under slept under showered and just TIRED are still fresh in my mind. You’re doing a great job.

Ivy B April 18, 2018 - 4:17 pm

I hope, by the time he’s 6, I’ll have forgotten the majority of it. LOL. I know I did with my daughter … that’s how we ended up with #2. WHEW lol

Cait April 18, 2018 - 4:07 pm

ugh yes girl- its a lot of work with a toddler for sure!

Ivy B April 18, 2018 - 4:17 pm

For sure! It’s insanity 😀

Meagan April 18, 2018 - 10:37 pm

This sounds like me but my baby is only 15 weeks old and the other kids are tween and teens!

Denisha April 22, 2018 - 12:59 am

I’m a toddler mom to 3 girls ages 4, 2 and 1. I can totally relate to the picky eater phase! My daughters have gone to bed without dinner (their choice) , as a result of not wanting what we have. Good thing all of this comes and goes in phases. I just try to find the joy in each day, even when it’s tough.

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