Home Mom LifeWork at Home MomBlogging February IZEA Income from Blogging and Social Media

February IZEA Income from Blogging and Social Media

by Ivy B

Once again, I want to share my income statement from IZEA.  If you haven’t seen it, I previously posted my blogging and social media income for January using IZEA, as well as sharing some tips about the site.

This month, I wanted to show you more than just my earnings.  If you read my first post, you’ll remember that I currently have only taken twitter status update opportunities.  I’ve recently also bumped up bidding to $5.00 per tweet with 4254 twitter followers.  I’ve earned $21.00 in February, and most of these bids were done in January.

february earnings from IZEA money from tweeting social media income

To give you an idea of how this works, here are my bids for February that may or may not have been approved.  I hope to share my earnings from March to give you a better idea of how many bids were approved and paid from February.

february social media income opportunity bids with IZEA

Now, if I’ve piqued your interested further, be sure to sign up for Izea with my referral link and begin making money with your blog or social media accounts.  Have any questions for me?  I’ll be happy to answer them as best I can.


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