Home Family Life Parenting Stress, Hylands Stress Challenge + Giveaway

Parenting Stress, Hylands Stress Challenge + Giveaway

by Ivy B

*Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Hyland’s.  I will receive a couple items for my children, but I will not be monetarily compensated for this post.  All opinions expressed here are my own.

The thing about having kids is you’re bombarded with all sorts of parenting stress.  It’s no joke.  Every age and stage adds new challenges for parents.  I keep telling myself it’s going to get better, maybe even easier.  But, it doesn’t.

That’s not to say I don’t love my children.  I do, really!  I just had no idea how much stress a tiny human being could cause, even when you know you’re doing things right.

Before your baby is born, you worry about putting together her nursery.  You might even spend a lot of time considering your birthing options. When your baby arrives, you have round the clock feedings, diaper changes, a zillion naps, and doctor appointments.  If you’re lucky, you don’t have a baby with colic.  I wasn’t lucky with either baby… in fact, just the opposite.  I was blessed with two high-need/spirited/challenging/powerful (whatever adjective you like to add) babies.

If you have older kids in school, tack on the stress of organizing schedules, packing lunches, homework help, and more.  Even being a stay at home mom, I don’t have enough time in the day.  It’s overwhelming and I find myself forgetting A LOT.  And, I definitely experience the parenting stresses of knowing I’m doing what’s right for one kid at the expense of the other.  Plus, neglecting my husband and myself.

The stress is quadrupled when you have two kids. I know, that doesn’t seem like logical math, but that’s the truth.  I’m constantly worried about the sacrifice I force on one kid when I’m taking care of the other’s needs.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed and overworked.  And then, you find yourself stressed and on the verge of a meltdown.  At least, that’s what I do.  But, there are so many ways to reduce some of it.

6 ways to handle parenting stress

  1. Sleep.  Have you ever realized how much worse your mood is when you’re tired?  Not getting enough sleep opens you up to all sorts of problems, and stress is a big one. Get your 8 hours (or more) of sleep.  Give yourself a bedtime if you need to.
  2. Plan ahead.  Instead of rushing around in the morning to select clothes, make lunches, and try to find time to eat, make the time to get a head start the night before.  Choose your clothes, make lunches, and set out breakfast items tonight before you go to bed.
  3. Listen to music.  Listening to uplifting, spunky music can do wonders for you.  Bonus points for singing and/or dancing.  I mean, how can you not forget your worries and smile if you’re busy singing and dancing like no one is watching.
  4. Take a break.  When life starts to feel like too much, I love to lay down somewhere comfortable and turn on calming meditation music.  15 minutes with the sole purpose of clearing my mind is always a huge help.  Bonus points if you actually learn how to meditate.
  5. Eat and drink.  Skipping meals isn’t good for anyone.  Eating isn’t just nourishment for your tummy, it helps fuel your brain.  Make sure you’re eating 3 meals a day and snack if you’re feeling sluggish.  Your brain will thank you and work so much better if you’re not hungry.
  6. Do something for YOU.  This is sort of like suggesting taking a break, except I’m telling you to find a hobby.  Do something regularly that makes you happy.

Do yourself a favor and check out my tips for beating the school morning rush.  Those tips will help you with #2 – planning ahead.  Additionally, I have some extra tips to help mommy take some time for herself, which you may wish to check out here.

6 tips to handle parenting stress

Join the 2016 Hyland’s Stress Challenge

Did you enjoy my tips?  Join the Hyland’s 5-Day Stress Challenge to learn more stress-busting techniques.  The challenge begins Monday, September 26th and will include prizes for participants.  Every day of the challenge will include a question, geared to help you learn to #stressless.

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Entering a #giveaway and joining Ivy @sahmplusblog in Hyland’s #stressless challenge[/tweetthis]

Hyland’s Gift Basket Giveaway

Now for some fun.  Hyland’s is giving my readers a chance to win an Adult Hyland’s Gift Basket (ARV $100), to better help you continue reducing your parental stress.  Giveaway runs from 09/20/16 – 09/30/16.  I will select 1 winner on 10/01/16.  Winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize via email, or another winner will be selected.

Your instructions

Comment on this post, answering the question “What Stresses You Out?” then claim your entry using the rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of the giveaway.  YOU MUST answer the question in the form of a comment on this blog post.  The email entry is solely for confirming the email I can contact you at.  Your entry will be invalid if you do not comment on this post.

Beat School Morning Rush Consequence Reward Jar System Take Care of Yourself Housekeeping Schedule for New Moms

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Alexandria September 20, 2016 - 2:29 pm

I didn’t realize Hyland’s had adult products! I love Hyland’s for my littles!

Candy mercado September 20, 2016 - 3:06 pm

This is a great post! I love it as well as beating the morning rush. I have to agree with planning head. Totally changes the outcome.

To participate, what stress me out:
Homework time. In the afternoon/evening, it’s just me and 3 littles (5, 4, & 1). I can usually get the two older ones to do homework together, but the little one won’t have it. The stress comes because my child’s school requires homework to be done online. My child does not read yet so he needs lots of guidance. The youngest gets jealous and attempts to climb up my legs. Hilarious in hindsight, stressful in the present 🙂

Ivy B September 20, 2016 - 7:54 pm

We have paper homework and 15 minutes of online homework. I’m lucky right now that the baby still naps when we get home from picking up sister, so I can help her with homework while he sleeps. It’s really stressful, IMO, that Kindergartners have homework in the first place.

Lisa Williams September 20, 2016 - 6:24 pm

What stresses me out is trying to get everything done in a short amount of time like picking kids up,making dinner,going straight to homework and/or activities,then bath time,then reading to them/or them reading to me and the cycle starts all over again the next day,so sometimes I wish we could spend quality time and relax together.

Ivy B September 20, 2016 - 7:50 pm

Oh yeah! Afternoons are madness, for sure. I love days when I use the slow cooker so I do less of the dinner during the afternoon rush!

Lara September 20, 2016 - 11:06 pm

Trying to get my kids out the door on time in the morning, but dealing with the fact that they are both strong-willed, and fight me on Every. Thing. I. Ask. Them. To. Do.

Germaine Harrison September 21, 2016 - 3:29 am

I don’t have enough time in each day to get everything done.

Kelly V. September 21, 2016 - 9:06 am

Getting more sleep is something I just discovered works wonders for me. The new iOS on iPhone has a bedtime setting under alarms. It reminds me that I should go to sleep if I want to get my required rest. It helps – even if I ignore it – I’m more aware of the decision to give in to being a night owl!
I stink at prepping for the week – meals and all of that. If I spend time doing that on the weekend, I feel like I’m stealing my off time to work!

Ivy B September 21, 2016 - 9:10 am

You steal the time during the week anyway. If you’re prepping veggies and such on Sunday, you’re doing it once and cleaning prep-utensils once. In the long run, it does save you the time during the week 🙂

Kristen Hewitt September 21, 2016 - 4:49 pm

Parenting can be SO stressful, I love your tips. Especially the doing something for YOU!

Briana September 22, 2016 - 11:25 am

I often get stressed out by how demanding both of my girls are for attention. It’s just not possible to give both of them 100% of my attention 100% of the time and that is exactly what they want. My oldest is 5 now and just started Kindergarten but of course now she has a wholeeee lot of issues that demand Mommy and Daddy’s attention meanwhile my 2 year old is fighting for her dose of attention from us. This is a great post and I have definitely been trying to include everything on this list into my life to make things a little less stressful and trust me, it does work!

Georgiana September 22, 2016 - 11:47 am

Great tips on handling parenting stress! Sleep is probably the top of the list for me. When I don’t get enough, the tone is set for the rest of the day.

Rebecca September 22, 2016 - 12:14 pm

Great post… Definitely agree with doing something for YOU! Thats what I try and inspire in mamas too <3 #brilliantblogposts

Susan Croox September 22, 2016 - 2:20 pm

The two top stressors for me: one, running late. Okay, who am I kidding, I’m rarely late. But thinking I’m going to be, and getting all three littles ready by myself. And two, when multiple booger-butts are mad and yelling at me simultaneously. One I can somewhat deal with, but two or three? Mommy needs a moment!

Stefani @ Crafty Christian September 22, 2016 - 6:10 pm

Love this! Sleep is a big one. And I love how some good music can instantly lift my mood! Totally sharing this 🙂

Ivy B September 22, 2016 - 6:54 pm

Thank you for stopping by. It’s hard to stay in a bad mood if you’re compelled to sing or dance, right?

Tyneisha September 22, 2016 - 7:28 pm

Ahhh….what stresses me out…..lol that’s a cute question. How about when I clean the entire house and have it looking and smelling great, only to have the kids and hubby destroy it in a matter of 3.2 seconds!!!!! Like REALLY PEOPLE?? Sorry. Didn’t mean to yell. I think I need this gift basket lol.

Ivy B September 22, 2016 - 7:44 pm

Yes, you might need this gift basket! Seriously, I often ask myself why I bother cleaning. Did you sign up for Hyland’s 5 Day Stress Challenge? It starts next week and they’re giving away more prizes to help you 😉

Jen September 22, 2016 - 8:18 pm

Planning ahead is so important. Time pressure can be a huge source of stress! Great tips!

Kendall September 23, 2016 - 11:35 am

I know when I don’t follow a routine that goes along with whatever our current rhythms of life are, things are so much worse. Lately, we’ve been a little here and there, which is both ok and stressful. I’ve also been so much more exhausted lately, so a focus on me getting more rest is the first thing I’ll be addressing. 🙂

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:07 pm

I’m glad you found some of my tips useful. I hope they help you now and in the future.

Shann Eva September 23, 2016 - 9:14 pm

Kids are definitely stressful. We went from 1 child to 3 (twins) and to say it tripled the stress, is an understatement. I love the ideas you give to de-stress. It’s so important to plan ahead, and to take some time for yourself too.

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:06 pm

Easily an understatement! Having 2 kids WAY more than doubled the work load and stress. The math really doesn’t add up.

Lindsay @ Kiddo Korner September 24, 2016 - 2:59 am

What is stressing me out? I’m finding myself lately stressing that I don’t have enough time to complete my work. I try to focus as much as I can on my boys. Then I’m up all night working. I wonder where my focus is and where it should be. I think I give myself too much of a hard time about it!

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:05 pm

We all do … it’s a parent thing. No matter what we do, we’ll always wonder if it was the right choice.

Leslie Crosbie September 24, 2016 - 1:42 pm

I am a single mom of 4 kids, 3 of which are teenage boys! I get stressed out when my budget isnt enough to pay bills and rent PLUS groceries!
Recently my 17yr son made me a Grandma to a beautiful baby girl who I adore but it wasn’t something I was expecting so soon!

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:04 pm

That does sound stressful. I wish you much luck and hope you find more joy than stress in your life soon!

Cheryl L Powell September 24, 2016 - 3:39 pm

Life stresses me out

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:01 pm

Yeah, life has a way of doing that. It’s not always so bad though 🙂

Julie Lundstrom September 24, 2016 - 3:47 pm

I am a mother of a special need child and somedays it can be more stressful.

Ivy B September 24, 2016 - 4:02 pm

I’m sure! We all have a sense of normal, based on our experiences, and some days certainly exceed our expectations, not always for the good.

barbg September 25, 2016 - 6:45 pm

Now that my kids are grown, I don’t think anything stresses me out now. I know how hard that morning routine is for busy parents. I always set up all the dressing and breakfast prep the night before. It is a much more relaxed atmosphere that way. Always have a change purse nearby for last minutes I needs too.

jessica m September 25, 2016 - 7:52 pm

My job and all myother responsibilities stress me out

Ivy's Mom Hobby: Autocross | SAHM, plus... June 13, 2017 - 8:28 pm

[…] I struggle with making a hair appointment for myself once every six weeks.  Seriously, I don’t know why I even bother getting a special style because it only looks good for 4 weeks.  Then … well, it looks like I’ve given up.  And the truth is, I have.  I’ve relinquished myself to my family.  Most times I have difficulty finding 5 or 10 minutes to do simple things to reduce my parenting stress. […]

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