Home Mom LifePregnancy What Should I Do? It’s My Due Date and Still No Baby

What Should I Do? It’s My Due Date and Still No Baby

by Ivy B

Natural induction options, deciding on induction, and handling the disappointment when baby is late.  Answers to your question: “What should I do?  It’s my due date and still no baby.”

I know just how difficult it is to handle that moment you realize it’s your due date and there are no signs of labor.  With my son, who was 13 days late, it’s more than a little disappointing.  I just wanted to meet the little guy I’d been bonding with inside my belly for nine months.  Our family was anxious to meet him as was his sister.

I completely understand the thoughts that go through your mind when you realize “it’s my due date and still no baby.”

It’s important to remember, though, due dates are only approximate.  As much as we tend to live by these dates, first time mothers rarely deliver “on time.”  At least not by the calendar set by doctors with their estimations and ultrasound scans.  A baby’s “due date” is when that baby is fully developed and in optimal position for birth.

It's my due date and still no baby! What should I do? Tips for dealing with being past due and no contractions including natural induction tips and coping with the disappointment when baby is late | www.sahmplus.com
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What Causes a Baby to be Overdue?

Doctors will tell you that obesity, first time pregnancies, family or personal history of late births, and “advanced maternal age” can contribute to your baby being overdue.

Experience might tell us that causes can also be:

  • A miscalculated due date
  • Baby isn’t in optimal position

Risks of an Overdue Baby

This should be discussed with a trusted professional, but some commonly stated risks are:

  • Meconium (the first poop) getting into baby’s lungs
  • Low amniotic fluid

I have to mention that having a significantly larger baby at birth is also a stated “risk”.  I hate this because women already fear giving birth to large babies and is seemingly perpetuated by the notion that we can’t push out big babies.  I’ve got a big old eye roll here because someone had commented that at my small stature, they wouldn’t have been scared to push out an 8 pound baby.  The thought never cross my mind that I couldn’t deliver him and I’ve heard of plenty of old school moms who pushed out babies much larger that that.

But I digress!

What Should I Do? It’s My Due Date and Still No Baby

For starters, relax. (Oh God!  I just said the one thing that irritated me when my baby was late!  But I have a few suggestions to help you cope with the disappointment when your baby is late.)

Understand that due dates are estimations based on your last missed period.  This estimation assumes you have a normal cycle and ovulate accordingly.

But, it’s still a guess.

Though ovulation lasts up to 48 hours, your fertile window can be as long as ten days.  This takes into account how long sperm will survive and implant when an egg is released.

Only 3-5% of babies are born on their due date according to Belly Belly.

Should you have an induction?

I wouldn’t jump to the immediate conclusion that you need an induction unless your health or your baby’s is at serious risk.  Being “late” based on these estimations is not a health risk in and of itself.  The timing may just not have been right.

Your body or your baby may just not be ready.  Brush up on these 7 Facts You Need to Know Before Asking to Be Induced.

The question might not even be if you should have an induction, rather if you have to have an induction.  Your doctor may push for one or determine that you can wait it out as long as you and your baby are monitored a little more closely.

Can I start labor naturally if it’s my due date and still no baby?

I, personally, haven’t come to the conclusion that home remedies work to naturally induce labor.  But, I’m also not opposed to trying it … lord knows I did everything when my second baby was 13 days late.

If it’s my due date and still no baby, what natural induction options should I try?

Remember, I’m not a doctor.  I’ve had two kids and tried many of these suggestions myself.  Some of them I didn’t try.  Use your judgment or consult with your a trusted professional to make sure these options are safe before trying them!

  • Walk
  • Have Sex
  • Eat spicy food
  • Drink Red Raspberry Tea
  • Try nipple stimulation

Some people consider membrane stripping a “natural” induction option.  I don’t, but when your son is nearly 13 days late, you start to expand your options in hopes of avoiding a medically induced labor.

Another thing to consider is whether or not baby is in optimal position.

Handle the disappointment when you’re past due and no contractions

When you’re past due with no contractions, the final days (or weeks) can be extremely frustrating.  I previously shared ways to handle the disappointment when baby is late.

Mainly, I learned that taking your focus off your due date (or your past due date) is extremely important.  If you’re late, try to enjoy some quiet time with your family, napping, or going out to a movie, just to name a few ideas.

Try to keep your mind off it and enjoy the peace and quiet before your world is turned upside down (again if this isn’t your first).

Have you ever gone past your due date?

Tell me: Did you try any natural labor induction methods?  Did anything work?

This post originally appeared on Nov 8, 2017 and has been updated.

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Janine Huldie November 8, 2017 - 8:17 am

Never actually went past my due dates as both times I was induced, but can recall trying to find info if I did. So, your advice is perfect for those overdue mamas and definitely anyone looking for help at this time in their pregnancy.

Gail November 8, 2017 - 10:56 am

I was early with both of my kids. The irony is with my second, who was born at home after about 30 minutes of labor, I spent the earlier part of the day walking a lot and eating spicy food.

Dara November 8, 2017 - 7:13 pm

I had the opposite problem! Both my kids were premies, just couldn’t keep them in long enough!

Laura November 8, 2017 - 9:18 pm

2 of my 3 were late. One 7 days (then induced), another 2 days and I went into labor. On the day my 3rd baby was due, we were trying to buy a new car to fit our expanding family. My husband told me I needed to go to the dealership and sign the papers. I had my 5 year old and 2 year old with me. For some reason, it took hours. They finally asked me when my baby was due and I said, “TODAY!!” I think that put a fire under them and they hurried up with the papers. (Or it could have been that my boys were running wild and climbing in and out of all of the cars.)

Farshana November 21, 2017 - 9:31 am

Wish I had read it earlier

Enrique Pasion May 27, 2019 - 7:28 pm

This is the exact question my wife and I have been asking ourselves as this will be our first newborn and we do not want to be ignorant as to the right things to do to have a healthy baby. Appreciate this helpful post.

Ivy B June 1, 2019 - 1:09 pm

Thanks for visiting and sharing your story. Hopefully you’ve armed yourself with tons of information 🙂 Good luck!

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