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How CoSchedule Helps Bloggers Be Everywhere

by Ivy B

If you blog, you know the importance of being on social media to drive traffic.  As fun as it can be, it’s very difficult to keep up with all the social channels.  Let’s not forget about keeping up with algorithms too.

Until the last couple months, I’d been doing fine.  Then, I got caught up in doing all the things.  The need to be everywhere was stressing me out and I wanted to quit everything.

How could I keep up at this pace?  How can anyone?

Truth is, we can’t.

Bloggers have to be content creators, photographers, social media gurus, accountants, and networkers.

We have to keep up with changing algorithms, legal stuff, and building our email lists.

We’re expected to create products, sell others, and market everything.

As it turns out, we should be learning video and doing Facebook Lives.

Simply publishing posts isn’t enough.

CoSchedule will help bloggers be everywhere
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Too many hats!!

And, you probably already know this, but to clarify, I have to do all this while being a work at home mom.  (This is the first time I’ve called myself a work at home mom.  Yeah, I’m definitely taking this blog seriously!)

Guys, moms don’t have much time as it is.  All these requirements for bloggers can be overwhelming.

I like to be organized, but with all the places I have to organize, I get just so far before I burn out.  And I burn out on a regular basis when it comes to sharing on every social platform.

I thought about hiring a VA, but at the hourly rate (or even flat fee), I wouldn’t be able to afford much at this stage in my blog’s career.

Instead, I’ve decided to invest in CoSchedule.

*Disclaimer: I’m writing a review of CoSchedule in exchange for a discounted 1 year membership.  Referral link is also included in this post.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

Why I’m Trying CoSchedule

CoSchedule from Garrett Moon on Vimeo.

Guys, I need CoSchedule to bring some sanity and order to my day.  Watching this video was all I needed to convince me to give CoSchedule a try!

YES! It’s expensive and I went back and forth on whether or not it was worth it for a while.  To be honest, I’m still not sure.

What I am sure of though is that CoSchedule will help be everywhere as a blogger!

CoSchedule gives me a handy content calendar in my WordPress dashboard with drag and drop features.  I can connect all my social media channels, then schedule and move posts as needed.

Coschedule content calendar for www.sahmplus.com

© Ivy www.sahmplus.com

Guys, the in-post features amaze me.  This allows me to streamline my blogging processes!!  As I create new posts, I can see the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer at the bottom.  I no longer have to leave what I’m doing to tweak my headlines.

Streamline my work flow with CoSchedule - headline analyzer in post

© Ivy www.sahmplus.com

Additionally, I can list my to-do tasks for the particular post and check them off as they’re done.

CoSchedule helps bloggers be everywhere

Finally, when I’m ready to publish the post, I can go ahead and schedule my social media posts.  This is exactly what I need in my life.  It’s so hard for me to remember to schedule all my posts to all the various social media channels.  But, as long as I put this in my task list and scroll down to the bottom of my WordPress dashboard, I’ll always have the reminders to pre-schedule my posts.

We may not be physically present the moment the posts are published, but CoSchedule helps bloggers be everywhere with this feature!

Then, there’s Re-Queue!  I can set it up to republish to social media at set intervals.  Because, you know, sharing posts once isn’t a good marketing strategy!  Most of my posts are evergreen, so I should have them on regular rotations in my social media schedule. But, I usually won’t remember to re-share as often as I should.

I can see all of it in the handy app on my phone, which is awesome!  I can keep my work and home schedules separate and less cluttered.

As far as worth, you can link your Google Analytics in CoSchedule.  If you’re a see it by the numbers type, this will help you determine is the investment is worth it.  Here’s the deal: you can link GA and bit.ly and you’ll get fancy reports of how well your content is doing.  The social engagement report is only available for the upgraded (full version) not available during your free trial.

top content report in coschedule

© Ivy www.sahmplus.com

Lastly, being present on social media isn’t all about sharing my own content.  Many social media channels prefer you share more of others than your own.  That’s not always easy, but CoSchedule has a Chrome Extension to help you out.

This little tool allows me to share whatever and whenever I like.  Plus, like it does for my own stuff, I can have it scheduled for “best time”, analyzed within the software.  Nothing more to do on my part unless I decide I need to move things around on my own.

Should you get CoSchedule?

Look, I know the price of CoSchedule can seem pretty cost-prohibitive.  However, if you calculate what you think you’ll spend on a VA in a year to help publish content to your various social media channels, I’d be willing to bet this works out more favorably.

Would you like to try CoSchedule with my referral link?  Get your free trail here.

Bloggers wear too many hats and are expected to have a social media presence on every platform. CoSchedule helps bloggers be everywhere. | www.sahmplus.com

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