Home Parenting TipsBabyBaby Sleep Tips 4 Signs of Sleep Regression to Watch For

4 Signs of Sleep Regression to Watch For

by Ivy B

Has your baby’s sleep patterns changed recently? Here are a few signs of sleep regression you should be aware of.

Are you a parent who’s been blessed with a great sleeper, only to suddenly find yourself up all night with a fussy, restless baby? If so, your little one may be experiencing a sleep regression. Sleep regression is a common phase that most babies go through, but it can be difficult to recognize and even more challenging to navigate. That’s why it’s important to know the signs of sleep regression so you can take steps to help your baby get the rest they need, while also taking care of yourself as a parent. In this article, we’ll discuss the signs of sleep regression to look out for and provide tips to help you and your baby through this challenging time.

parents tending to fussy baby to discuss signs of sleep regression
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Understanding Sleep Regression

Sleep regression can occur at any age, but it’s most common during the first year of a baby’s life. The most common ages for sleep regression are at 4 months, 8-10 months, and 12 months. During these ages, babies go through significant developmental changes, which can affect their sleep patterns.

Sleep regression can also be caused by other factors such as illness, teething, or changes in routine. However, developmental changes are the most common cause of sleep regression.

Signs of Sleep Regression

Understanding the signs of sleep regression is the first step in managing this phase. These are a few signs to look for:

Frequent Night Wakings

One of the most noticeable signs of sleep regression is frequent night wakings. If your baby was previously sleeping through the night and suddenly starts waking up several times, it could be a sign of sleep regression. During sleep regression, babies may wake up more often due to discomfort or changes in their sleep patterns.

Difficulty Falling Asleep

Sleep regression can cause babies to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. If your baby takes longer than usual to fall asleep or wakes up frequently during the night, it could be a sign of sleep regression.


Sleep regression can cause babies to be fussier during the day due to lack of quality sleep. If your baby is more irritable or fussy than usual, it could be a sign of sleep regression.

Changes in Naps

Sleep regression can affect a baby’s napping schedule, causing them to have shorter naps or skip them altogether. If your baby’s napping schedule suddenly changes or they struggle to take their usual naps, it could be a sign of sleep regression.

Sometimes sleep problems can be an indicator of a more serious underlying medical condition or illness. If you notice any changes in your baby’s eating habits, weight gain progress, or if they are suddenly snoring or breathing loudly during sleep in ways they hadn’t been doing before, it’s important to seek advice from your pediatrician. Additionally, if your baby displays any signs of illness such as coughing or fever, it’s best to consult with your pediatrician as soon as possible. While these symptoms may not necessarily indicate a serious condition, it’s better to err on the side of caution and seek professional advice to ensure your baby’s health and well-being.

It’s essential to note that these signs can also be caused by other factors such as teething, illness, or growth spurts. However, if you notice several of these signs at once, it could indicate sleep regression.

Sleep regression can be a challenging phase for both parents and babies, but it’s a natural part of development. Understanding the signs of sleep regression and what causes it can help you manage this phase better. Remember to be patient, offer comfort, and stick to a consistent routine. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to seek advice from your pediatrician or a sleep specialist.

Continue reading our guide to sleep regressions:

  1. Sleep Regression: What is It and What to Expect
  2. 4 Signs of Sleep Regression to Watch For (this post)
  3. Sleep Regression Ages
  4. Why Does Sleep Regression Happen?
  5. How to Deal with Sleep Regression
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