Home Parenting Tips Babies Are Expensive: How to Save Money on Necessities for Baby #SharetheLuv #ad

Babies Are Expensive: How to Save Money on Necessities for Baby #SharetheLuv #ad

by Ivy B

Whether you’re an expecting mom, first time mom, or more experienced, there’s one thing you can’t escape about babies.  The expenses.  If you haven’t already figured it out, babies are really expensive buggers to maintain.  It doesn’t matter how you plan to feed, clothe, or diaper your babies, they need so much.

I always thought breastfeeding was the cheap route, so it made sense to do that, right?  Not really!  With my first baby, I had to buy an expensive pump because they weren’t covered by insurance back then.  Then, there’s all the trial and error you go through on ALL the gear each baby may or may not use.  Some of the expense isn’t necessarily just the gear, but determining what does and doesn’t work.

As a tw0-time mom, I can tell you a few of the ways I’ve learned to save money on necessities for baby.

This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.

Babies are expensive. Save money on some of these baby essentials with these suggestions. Plus, a $1 off coupon for Luvs #SharetheLuv #ad
This post contains affiliate links which may earn me commissions should you click through them and take certain actions. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. See full disclosure here.

Save Money on Necessities for Baby


I spent the first few months with both of my babies trying out all the different diaper brands.  With both babies, I determined Luvs was our diaper of choice.

In both cases, Luvs turned out to not only be less expensive, but also a very reliable brand.  I’ve been able to use properly fitted Luvs diapers for both babies in day and night situations without fail.  Even with both being 12 hour a night sleepers, Luvs passed the test without leaks.  And, just when I thought things couldn’t get better with my, already favorite, brand, they came out with Luvs Ultra Leakguards with NightLock Plus™ which are more absorbent than regular Luvs.

Box of Luvs with new Night Lock Plus

Did you know Luvs has a money back guarantee?  Not that I’ve ever had to make use of it, but isn’t it nice to know that if you decide you didn’t like them, you wouldn’t technically lose anything?  Talk about saving money, right?

Speaking of which, not only are Luvs not as expensive, but they’re sharing the love this February!  You can get a $1.00 print-at-home coupon right now!

Luvs $1.00 print at home coupon

Lastly, stock up when diapers are on sale or when you can get coupons (or both)!  You’re going to be needing diapers for a long time, so you might as well have a few boxes in several sizes!

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If you’ve ever had a baby, you know how many clothes you go through.  It doesn’t make sense to get the best of the best, or the most expensive.  Give a newborn 2 weeks and they’re grown out of the first round.  Between spit up, food, and an occasional blow out (it happens to them all), your baby’s clothes will rarely make it out without incident and stains.  To save money on clothing, buy used and accept hand-me-downs.  If you feel like you must buy new, buy on sale and clearance.

Baby clothes line up


Again, buy toys and books used, on sale, or accept hand-me-downs.  For used toys, be sure they can be easily cleaned and disinfected.  Don’t buy a lot!  Start with a couple different teethers, rattles, etc and see what your baby is most interested in.  I can’t tell you how many toys we had, and with little B, especially, he was drawn to one or two toys and the rest just sat around taking up space.

baby toddler toys

How else do you save on necessities for baby?

Click here for the $1 off coupon for Luvs diapers!


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