Home Parenting Tips Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

by Ivy B

I’m not normally one to start getting into the Christmas spirit before Thanksgiving.  I used to be.  But, I got tired of seeing Christmas decorations popping up immediately after Halloween.  Now, I feel like I see Christmas stuff even before it’s officially Fall.  It’s usually pretty annoying.

My daughter, now 5, is a die-hard Christmas fan.  Everywhere we play Pandora radio, she’s always asking for Christmas music.  Year-freaking-round.  I normally fend off the requests with “Mommy’s phone doesn’t play Christmas music before Thanksgiving.”  On Halloween night, however, she made the request and I decided to concede.  My husband and son were both home sick, so I was getting a  Mommy-Daughter trick-or-treat night.  Time alone with my little girl is so rare, so I wanted to boost the positive vibes … let her know what a special night it was for us (even though I sorely missed my boys).  And, I’ve been playing Christmas music in the car ever since.  Okay kid, you won this year!

Since I’m ready to go shopping and get my Christmas decorating on, I want to share lots of things to help you get into the Christmas spirit too.  I’ve rounded up a bunch of holiday posts from a Facebook blogger group I’m part of called Mom Blog Tribe.  In this big holiday roundup, we’re sharing gift ideas, shopping tips, and holiday stress management ideas.  Make sure to thank this lovely bunch of ladies for their hard work and, if you visited their post, let them know I sent you!

Christmas spirit and stress holiday roundup

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Help for getting you into the Christmas spirit

Gift Ideas for Christmas

Let’s start with The Choosy Mom’s tips for smart Holiday shopping (and her gift guides).

I seem to have serious difficulty with stocking stuffers.  Shann Eva shares some cool stocking stuffer ideas for everyone.

Personally, I’m kind of over buying stuff.  Here, I offer non-toy gift ideas for toddlers and preschoolers.

non toy gift ideas for toddlers or preschoolers

Image courtesy of sattva at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Major League Mommy shares educational gift ideas for young children.

Growing Up Zee shares a nice list of top toys for toddlers under $50.

If you’re buying for several age groups, My Daily She shares a huge list of gift ideas for infants to teens.

Looking for the best gift ideas for tweens?  One Small World has you covered with her gift guide.

Toot’s Mom is Tired shares a sweet list of gift ideas for Grandparents.

Christmas Decorating and Traditions

All Things Beautiful shares her Christmas decorating ideas.

Taylor 411 discusses passing down family traditions.

When getting into the Christmas spirit is overwhelming

Theresa Reviews shares a good reminder for some “me time” especially at the holidays.

If you’re struggling with staying productive during the holiday season, check out Engineered Motherhood’s recommendations.

Saving my personal favorite for last, Short Sweet Mom gives some wonderful tips for saving your sanity at the holidays.

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Stephanie Lowry November 15, 2016 - 12:32 pm

Great roundup for the holidays! Thanks for sharing ?

Theresa November 23, 2016 - 12:11 pm

This is a great round-up! Lots of fantastic holiday ideas here.

Julie Lundstrom December 3, 2016 - 8:04 pm

There are some very good ideas for Christmas.

Ann Geo December 5, 2016 - 6:30 am

Great roundup for the holidays!

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