Home Mom LifePregnancy Review: Belly Support Bands for Active Moms #BellyBandsForActiveMoms

Review: Belly Support Bands for Active Moms #BellyBandsForActiveMoms

by Ivy B

One thing I hadn’t anticipated with this second pregnancy was back pain.  I don’t know if I should blame it on my age or the fact that I wasn’t more physically fit prior to getting pregnant, but shortly after arriving into my second trimester, I began feeling more aches and pains.  Most of the stronger pains are in my lower back, but I experience aches all through my back.

Ladies, I’m not joking when I say I’m a busy mom.  I’m always on my feet cooking, thanks to the later-in-life onset of food intolerances and Hashimoto’s.  But, I’m always up to something keeping my preschooler (almost Kindergartner) entertained!  That said, I really needed to consider investing in belly support bands for active moms.

You can imagine my excitement when I was selected to review a Motherload Pregnancy Support Belly Band through Tomoson! (Note: In addition to the receipt of one belly band for review purposes, I was compensated for my work on this post.  All opinions expressed here are my own and are never swayed by compensation.)

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Maternity and belly support bands for active moms. Review of The Motherload belly support band from Body After Baby. www.sahmplus.com
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Belly Support Bands for Active Moms

According to the Body After Baby website, this belly band “… is for active pregnant women that need to relieve back, hip and abdominal pain and to reduce sciatica. Unlike other pregnancy support bands, the Motherload is especially designed for active pregnant moms. Soft, breathable moisture wicking material moves synergistically with a mom’s growing belly, whether running around town, or getting into a pregnancy safe yoga move. Plus a sleek design means you can wear it under your clothes (even fitted gym clothes), without the whole world knowing.” 

The Motherload belly support band out of package. Belly support bands for active moms. www.sahmplus.com

As soon as the belly band arrived, I opened up the packaging and went straight to putting it on.  I couldn’t wait to experience some relief!  I began wearing it throughout most of the day to really put it to the test.  These are my observations while wearing the band:

Let me start with the bad so that I can sing its praises afterward!  It did not help me while sitting on the floor to play our almost-nightly family games.  This was one of my biggest concerns because I get about two games in and then I have to stretch out on the couch, excluded from the fun.  I was really disappointed that it didn’t provide relief in this situation.  This is the only time I felt like the band failed me, though I can’t really fault the band as it was designed to relieve lower back and sciatic pain.

My baby bump in a belly support band for active moms. The Motherload by Body After Baby. www.sahmplus.com

Wearing it under my clothes was comfortable.  I didn’t find the material scratchy, itchy, or annoying.  Maybe a little warm, but that could be a good thing if you happen to be pregnant in cooler temperatures.  It didn’t add enough heat that I couldn’t handle it.  Wearing it in the heat of Florida summer, I didn’t feel like I was soaking in sweat.  Yes, I admit I sweat, and pretty badly.  The moisture wicking materials do their job.

When putting on the band, I notice an immediate difference in my posture.  I’ve never worn anything like this before, and I did have a little confusion trying to get it put on the first time.  Once I got it figured out, I found the two piece system easy to put on and adjust as necessary.  I could feel the difference in my back and spine, as it gave me a little extra support for my growing belly.  I even felt like it allowed me to more comfortably lift my daughter, which I struggle with as well.

To really put the belly band to the test, I took it down to Disney World for a 3-day final hurrah before my daughter turns 4 and heads off to VPK.  I was insane to decide to go during the hottest month, pregnant, and on my own with her.  Seriously, insane.  But, I took the belly band along and wore it every day in the park.  I found that, although the extra layer made me a little extra warm, it did a great job wicking away the moisture and allowed me to pick my daughter up more than I would have otherwise liked to.  I found the relief from back aches to be much more important than the extra sweat, because, let’s face it, you’re going to sweat if you’re trying to handle the FL summer at a theme park with a preschooler while pregnant.

The Motherload maternity belly band worn under clothes. Relieve pressure and discomfort with belly bands for active moms using The Motherload belly band by Body After Baby. www.sahmplus.com

Additionally, I took it to race day with me as I’m on my feet a lot during the day.  I noticed no back aches and my body didn’t seem tired as long as I wore it.

One thing I didn’t consider was that even wearing the band under my clothes, it still got in the way when it was time to use the restroom.  Thankfully, removing and replacing took only a few seconds.

Overall, The Motherload belly support band did exactly what it said it was designed to do.  Working around the house and lifting a 4-year-old on occasion wasn’t nearly as painful for me so long as I used the band.  Since I had never used one before, I was pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness and would certainly recommend it to any moms-to-be experiencing back discomfort in their pregnancies.

Do you have aches and pains during your pregnancy?  What did you use to help?

Get your belly support bands for active moms here –> The Motherload by Body After Baby[easyazon_link identifier=”B00JKNPZOY” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”ivsvabasaan0a-20″ cart=”y” cloak=”n” localize=”y” popups=”n”]The Motherload by Body After Baby[/easyazon_link]

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I was exhausted and in pain during my second pregnancy, especially being a busy mom of a preschooler! Having a maternity band was a lifesaver.  Why you should consider investing in belly support bands for active moms. sponsored | www.sahmplus.com

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16 Strange, Sad Pregnancy Differences | SAHM, plus... June 2, 2017 - 10:37 am

[…] family for more than a few minutes before excusing myself.  And, I had to get myself one of those maternity belly bands to help me get through activities when I would be on my feet for a […]

Maternity belt is good for running and lower back pain too. July 29, 2018 - 3:44 pm

A lot of women and mother do not even know about belly belt availablity in markets and they bear severe pain and aches during the whole period and that actually affects b=the birth of child too. I think there should be some lectures or short courses for our girls to let them have some how know of commercially available products for them while being pregnant.

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