Get the best results from a consequence jar with these 6 strategies! It’s not just about using a consequence and reward jar system, it’s about implementation and doing these 6 things!
Are you still struggling with your child’s behaviors? Sometimes, so do I!
After implementing consequence and reward jars to improve behaviors, I find myself dealing with the occasional issue. I am NOT telling you the system isn’t working. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The system works surprisingly well, especially when I am mindful of how I’m using them.
Recently, I posted about what I learned about myself after using the system briefly. But, as time goes on, I realize we all need regular reminders about using the whole system effectively.
Today though, I want to give you a more in-depth way to get the best results from using a consequence jar.
The points I’m sharing with you have come up in the last few months, so I thought it best to continue sharing my experiences. Hopefully, it will help you overcome a struggle before it happens.
If not, you can always refer back to see if there was something you missed.

Effective Use of the Consequence Jar
Simply implementing a consequence jar to change your child’s bad behavior isn’t nearly enough. You need to give some thought to every part of the behavior modification system.
1. Decide on and print house rules.
Make a list of house rules. Think of all the expectations you have in your home.
A verbal and visual list will help all members of the family to understand what is expected of them. This is immensely helpful in determining when to “request” a pull from the consequence jar. And yes, request is in quotations, because I don’t believe in making requests when a child is out of line.
A consequence isn’t an option.
2. Decide on consequences and print slips.
You and your partner can work on your parenting teamwork as you determine appropriate consequences.
Anything you have ever threatened or thought about threatening (aside from selling your child to the gypsies) should be printed and cut into strips. From small things like having the child write their name 5 times to larger consequences like losing X-Box for the day, it’s all fair game.
Because this is like roulette, your child will learn to think very hard about his or her actions. A simple back-talk could earn him a night free from television.
Make a list of those consequences (even in your head) that are things you can take away. Go ahead and call them your “take away consequences.” These are your fail-safe items when crap really hits the fan. No TV, no x-box, no tablet, no computer … something of value that your child will be really upset to lose for the night (or a week).
Need some consequence slip ideas? When you sign up for my email newsletter, you receive 2 free printables: House Rules and Consequence Jar slips. It can at least get you started.
Just click on this image
3. Discuss Expectations.
Discuss, as a family, the expectations you have of your child. Then, explain that when those expectations aren’t met, they will pull a consequence from the consequence jar. Something about determining their own fate makes them think hard.
Set expectations your children can live up to Share on X4. Follow through.
This might be hard at first, but it’s imperative in any disciplinary situation that you follow through with your threats. When you threaten a consequence and then don’t follow through, your child learns you have no authority.
Following through on the threatened consequences establishes authority. Share on X5. Swift action.
It is vital that you not let bad behavior continue as this elevates your bad mood. Take care of a problem immediately, before your emotions start to take control.
While you’re still calm, instruct your child to reach into the consequence jar and pull a random slip.
DO NOT allow the child to argue their point or allow them to think it’s open for negotiation. You lose your power and the consequence jar will not be effective. The key to any disciplinary technique is swift action and follow through. Consistently.
6. Expect resistance.
If there is resistance (and there is likely going to be initially), there are a couple of ways to handle the situation.
You can use a counting method. “If you don’t pull one by the time I get to three, I will pull one for you.” FOLLOW THROUGH!! Or, go ahead and pull one for them.
Either way, a consequence needs to be pulled. And, it needs to be done before you lose your cool.
Is your child refusing to complete the consequence task?
I got lucky with my daughter (or we’re really strict disciplinarians and she knows the limits). Either way, I haven’t had to deal with this situation personally. However, I did have one reader ask what to do if the child refused to complete the task.
This is a power struggle and something you need to stay on top of.
I thought about what I would do in that situation and believe the best course of action is to immediately decide on a “take away” consequence that you listed in item #2 above.
Your child has no control over the situation any longer. And, you can probably expect a tantrum, more crying, or more arguing. That’s okay. Stand your ground and follow through on the takeaway.
Should the child become unruly, send her to her room until she can calm down. And whatever you do, no begging or pleading or you’re giving your child power again.
I am not insisting we’re perfect. But I am telling you that as long as I remember to stay consistent, this system works like a charm.
Within the first week, changes in behaviors and moods were noticeable. Yelling has been significantly decreased and my daughter earns her rewards more often than not.
Because nearly every part of this system is customize-able to YOU, I believe it has the potential to work with all parenting styles.
The keys are to:
- act swiftly.
- follow through.
- and stay consistent.
As I offered in my previous post about our system, you can print our house rules and consequence jar ideas list to get you started by signing up for my email newsletter.
Don’t Just Rely On A Consequence Jar
Don’t forget to check out tips on using a reward jar as positive reinforcement for good behavior.
More on Consequences and Rewards
- How to Get Kids to Behave Better (Even if You’re Lenient)
- Warning: Your Child’s Behavior Problem Might Actually Be YOU
- Why Using a Reward Jar is as Important as Teaching Consequences
- Best Reward Ideas for Good Behavior
- 5 Best Reward Jars and Charts You Can Buy
- Consequence Jar Ideas for an Effective Consequence and Reward Jar System
- How to Get the Best Results From a Consequence Jar

We’ve never posted house rules and you’ve got me re-thinking it. We’ve got an only child. But it will be a good reminder for sleepovers and playdates.
It’s a good reminder for everyone, really. It doesn’t have to be all formal all the time, but I especially used it when we were discussing how we would be using the consequence jar. But yes, I can see how it would be helpful for guests, too 🙂
Its really good to know about the the results that you have brought up from the consequence jar. I am very much inspired by your writing skills.
Love your house rules! I’ve been there and I promise you will survive. My kids are now 16, 19, and 21. Two are in college. Whatever works and if that stops working, try something else. 😉
Thanks! You’re so right … nothing really ever works 100% or forever.
This is such great advice! I feel like for us, follow through is the key. I’m guilty of letting things slide a little too much probably.
I think we’re all a little guilty of that, aren’t we? We’re tired and sometimes we just want to please the kids … and before we know it, we’re down a rabbit hole wondering what the heck happened. At least, that’s how I feel some days.
I can’t wait to try this, I have three high need children. Do you have any advice on what to do when your children won’t go to their room?
Welcome to the power struggles LOL. Honestly though, I’ve approached it a couple of ways. You can either a) tell them you’ll pull a consequence (an additional one if one’s already been pulled) or b) have them pull another consequence.
Additionally, if it’s a true power struggle, don’t be afraid to pick them up and put them in their rooms.
When all else fails, I have been known to just give a consequence … usually I’ll say “go to your room immediately, or you will be going to bed early tonight.” I may still have to pick up my child and place him/her in their room if they still refuse to go.
For me, personally, I’ve found that both high-needs kids require me to display my authority otherwise they walk all over me.
Ivy B
You have brought up an amazing article on Child Behavior. The Child behavior is always different, as it fluctuates with moods. By the way, you have shared beautiful information with the viewers.
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