Home Mom LifeSAHM How to Make Money Online or Buy Professional Services Cheap: Fiverr

How to Make Money Online or Buy Professional Services Cheap: Fiverr

by Ivy B

As a SAHM and a woman who was accustomed to making her own money before becoming a mom, it can be uneasy feeling when you don’t contribute to the household income.  Coming up on 3 years of being a SAHM, I’m always looking for small ways to make a few dollars from home.  Please be advised that this post contains an affiliate link that, should you decide to follow and use, will generate a few cents to support my blogging efforts.  My opinions are not swayed by compensation and I genuinely try to bring you content that you can use and appreciate.

If you are anything like me, and looking to make a few extra dollars, I highly recommend trying Fiverr!  I’ve been using Fiverr for almost a year and really enjoy the freedom of gigs I can create.  If you’re new to Fiverr, let me clue you in on some advice for beginners.

Have idea of what you can offer.  What talents or services can you offer that you would be willing to “sell” for $5?  Writing, editing, document creating, reviews, voice overs – if you got it, someone probably wants it.

Get ideas.  View the gigs being offered and see if anything someone else offers is something you could also offer.   Be sure to get an idea of the entire gig offerings and try to look at the top sellers.

Don’t sell yourself short.  When I first started with Fiverr, I offered full blog post reviews for $5, which included trying apps, taking my own photos, and creating the content and marketing it.  This was great to get business and start to get ratings, but it was a lot of work for $5.

$5 isn’t $5.  Be warned that $5 is exactly that until Fiverr and Paypal take their cuts.  Another reason not to sell yourself short.  Have some limitations and it will be worth it.

Leveling up gives you more earning potential.  Aside from the money you make initially, when you level up, you’re able to add gig extras.  This means that you can expand your current gigs to make them more appealing and earn a few extra dollars off the same gig that was already doing well.  Example – blog reviews became blog reviews plus running a giveaway.  Or, if you normally take a week to do a project, you can opt to let them order it for extra fast delivery for a select amount.

Now, if you’re interested in offering gigs or purchasing gigs on Fiverrcreate a profile, input your email, username, password and make a first purchase. For those simply interested in having things done for them for $5, there are a TON of great gigs out there and people are willing to do a LOT for $5!  You can have someone write for you, sing a personalized song, or even find professional graphics design services.

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