Home Family LifeFunBooks Learn To Tie A Tie With The Rabbit And The Fox – Children’s Book Review

Learn To Tie A Tie With The Rabbit And The Fox – Children’s Book Review

by Ivy B

This is a sponsored post for Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit & the Fox.

This adorable little book tells a story that serves as a good reminder of how to tie a neck tie.  Not that I need to worry about this raising a daughter, but I remember years ago my grandfather taught me how to tie a tie.  I’m sure knowing that would have been great if my husband didn’t already know how to tie one.

Over the years, I’ve forgotten what I learned and watching my husband tie his, I was disappointed that I couldn’t remember.  Maybe no one will ever need me to tie their tie, but just in case, this book helped me!

The pictures and story wonderfully illustrate how to tie a tie, so I tied one on myself (and I have to say, I don’t know how men can wear these things regularly).  Look what an amazing job I did for my first try JUST from reading the book and following the story and illustrations!

learned to tie a tie
First tie with hubby’s neck tie!

My two year old wasn’t grasping the concept, but I really didn’t expect it.

If you’re currently working on teaching your child to tie their shoe laces, maybe add this.  I imagine a little one would be happy to learn this … I know it made me feel good that I did something so easily!
Learn to Tie a Tie is available on Amazon. Sybrina’s website links you to her books available in English, Spanish and Tagalog. 

Also, Sybrina will soon be bringing the ladies a similar lesson in with scarves for the ladies!!!  Be on the lookout for it … I’m sure it’ll be a super cute read for the girls.

Do you need to know how to tie a tie or a scarf?


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