Home Family Life Rebranding and Moving: New Blog Will Be Better Than Ever!

Rebranding and Moving: New Blog Will Be Better Than Ever!

by Ivy B

 Dear Readers,

I’ve been MIA for a while and I’m ready to share some news with you.

When I was last actively blogging, I was preparing for the arrival of my new baby.  At the time, my mother was suffering with ALS and my dad was her primary care taker.  Dad was suffering from multiple car accidents and needing surgeries himself.

3 days before my son arrived, my mother passed away, ending her suffering from the horrible disease that left her bed-ridden and incapable of speech.

Caring for a new baby, learning to be a mother of 2 children, and tending to matters surrounding my dad left little time (or energy) for blogging.  When I began thinking I was getting the hang of things, summer arrived and I was, once again, without time to blog.  In addition to having both kids home all day, I have been busy trying to prepare my daughter for Kindergarten, which is rather stressful in our city.

But, I’m planning to come back and write.  Only, I’m in the midst of a complete re-branding.  I wasn’t thrilled with a few aspects of this blog.  I’ve taken quite a bit of time to consider an appropriate blog name (because Ivy’s Variety really didn’t convey my writing intent too well).  I’m taking some of my own written blogging advice and switching blogging platforms.

I’m coming back, better than ever with new experiences to share and with more purpose.  I’m hoping within the next month to make the complete transition, and working to make it one that requires no effort on your part to keep up with me!

I’m very excited about the changes and can’t wait to share the new site with you!  I’m confident you’re going to love it!  In the meantime, be sure to follow me on my social media channels for updates … that’s where I’ll be sharing the news when the new site goes live!

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