Home Mom LifeHomemaking Reduce Waste with Yummi Pouch Cloth Snack Bags – Review

Reduce Waste with Yummi Pouch Cloth Snack Bags – Review

by Ivy B

I received a 3 pack of adorable Yummi Pouch Cloth Snack Bags for test and review purposes.  I love these adorable little snack bags and can really appreciate waste reduction.  More importantly, it’s nice knowing I’ll be spending less money on plastic baggies for the little snacks I send in my daughter’s lunch box.  Plus, they’re easily cleaned in the washer or dish washer.  I prefer to wash them in the dish washer with other items that hold food.  Something about using them in the washer with clothes seems weird to me … probably because my husband usually ends up with automotive grease or stains on his clothes at some point, and I feel like those two should be separated from each other.

These bags come in several adorable patterns, but I chose the Spunky 3 pack.

What I’ve liked about the pouches is that I know they’ll save me money in the long run based on 2 factors.

1) I won’t be buying as many plastic snack bags.
2) I won’t feel compelled to purchase individually wrapped snacks, which are often inappropriately sized for my 4 year old anyway.  And, I know I typically pay a premium for those individually wrapped packages vs larger packs to divide up myself.  I can buy the foods she wants and pack appropriate portions.

Added benefits of using the Yummi pouches:

Reducing waste – I enjoy knowing that I’m not contributing more waste to landfills, even if it’s just a small part.
Healthier – Not just healthier for the environment, but potentially healthier for my family with one less chemical exposure.

I’ve run the pouches through the dishwasher, which went really well.  They turned out nice and clean, and almost completely dry when everything else was.

Finally, even though it’s reusable, I won’t be doing any extra work … I can just pop these into our regular cycle of dish washing that already happens roughly every two days.

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