Home Family Life 8 Ways I’m Preparing for a Better New Year

8 Ways I’m Preparing for a Better New Year

by Ivy B

I’m terrible about making timely New Year Resolutions.  Honestly, I always make them after the new year.  And, it takes seeing everyone’s Facebook posts weeks (or months) later, boasting and lamenting about their successes and failures.  Then, I think “oh man … what should I have wanted to change this year?”  I’ll pick one or two things and stick to it for a few weeks (or minutes).

Truthfully, I don’t usually give a crap.

This year though, I’m resolving to get my resolutions decided on before the New Year.  And, I honestly hope I do them.  Because these I really feel are important.  Maybe having two strong-willed kids will do that to a person … drive them crazy enough to need a change.

Prepare for a better New Year 2017
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Here it is … my list of

Preparations for a Better New Year

Feel free to steal my ideas.  If you do, maybe just let me know and we can try to keep each other accountable?  Please …

  1. Clean out my email box.  Make it a goal to keep it clean.  You could totally do like I did and accidentally delete your entire inbox.  When I realized I couldn’t remember what exactly I had been saving, I just deleted the trash box as well.  I was nervous for a couple weeks, and then I realized how much better it felt.  I didn’t know what I was missing, which means I probably didn’t delete anything of major importance.  If I did, I still don’t remember, and it’s been 6 months.
  2. Schedule more “me” time.  I’d like to get my hair cut more than once every 3 or 4 months.  Can I shoot for 2 months?  Aside from going out maybe once a month to Autocross, I really need an evening to unwind with some friends.  I need to plan a once a month mom’s night.  Bonus points if I do this once every other week.  And total rock star status if I come up with some me time at least one night a week.  Whatever it is, I definitely need to schedule more time to take care of myself.
  3. Meditate.  Or just breathe.  When I updated my Apple watch a few months ago, I was pleasantly surprised when it sounded a little alarm to tell me to breathe.  It started me with a 1 minute breathing exercise.  It told me to meditate.  Does this actually qualify as part of #2?  I’m also going to continue using the mindfulness journal I reviewed to help bring some more peace and calm to my life.
  4. Stop seeking validation of my awesome parenting skills.  Seriously, asking if I’m a good mom is counter-productive and totally subjective.  I know I’m a good mom.  If you’re not certain about yourself, come back in January to check out my post which provides the only answer you ever need to know to the question “Am I a Good Mom?”
  5. More scheduling.  I seriously struggle with focus.  I’m going to have task lists, calendars, and a better “schedule” for the blog.  Since I plan to increase my posting schedule, I really need to getting better at planning and sticking to a plan.  But, I also need to schedule time out for my son.  So, I’m going to find a story time and put it on my calendar to let myself know that I expect to increase his outings.
  6. Do less.  Wait.  Didn’t I just tell you I was going to to more in #5?  Yep, I’m totally contradicting myself.  I’m going to continue using Jet.com and Shipt to order the bulk of my groceries.  They free up AT LEAST an hour a week for me to do other household chores on Sundays.  Off loading those tasks gives me a chance to get more done in a day and essentially buys me a little extra time during the week to do more.  Do you want to use these services?  Using my affiliate link, sign up for Jet.com where you save time and money.  Using this referral link, you’ll receive $10 to try out Shipt (grocery delivery from Publix).
  7. Wean My Baby.  I’ve already started providing my son a sippy cup more regularly, but my hope is to be done with weaning in a couple months.  I’m looking forward to not being the only person my son believes can take care of him!  If regaining a sense of self and reclaiming my boobs isn’t a better new year, I don’t know what is?!?!
  8. Attend a blog conference.  This year, I invested a little more heavily in building my blog.  Now, for the first time in my 5 years of blogging, I’ll be attending a blog conference in 2017.  In just a few months, I’m hoping to learn a bunch.  I’m excited about the opportunity and thankful that my husband sees my potential and believes there will be some value in doing this.  This will also be a few days that I get to leave my husband in charge of the duties I’m usually doing.  Essentially we get to walk in each others shoes.  I’ll get a chance to miss my babies and hopefully come home to the excitement they usually reserve for him.

As you can see, I’m determined to make some changes for 2017.  Some personal and some to help me achieve some goals on the blog.

How was 2016 for you?  What are you planning to work on for a better new year?

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Julie December 20, 2016 - 2:35 pm

Love this, great ways to take care of you better! Oh man deleting your whole inbox, scary but also sounds amazing.
will you link this up to gratitude and goals?

Ivy B December 20, 2016 - 3:15 pm

I’ve so been thinking of “accidentally” deleting my inbox again. Maybe make it a bi-annual refresh… it was amazing LOL
Sure, I could link up, thank you!

Jasmine Hewitt December 20, 2016 - 8:19 pm

Great goals for the new year! i need to clean out my inbox too

Ivy B December 21, 2016 - 8:32 pm

Accidental delete? LOL

Inez December 21, 2016 - 8:10 pm

I want to reclaim my boobs in 2017, too!! haha. My goal is totally weaned by May (my son’s 2nd birthday)!!

Ivy B December 21, 2016 - 8:32 pm

LMAO, May is also my goal … because I’ll be leaving for a few days for a Blogging Conference hehe. Good luck Mama!

Abigail December 27, 2016 - 9:26 am

Oh I love the email box clear out idea! I am also setting a very simple but tough goal of being more present with my kids when I get home from work. I’m going to attempt to check my phone a the door… at least until they go to bed!

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