Home Mom LifeEncouragement for Moms A Mom with Multiple Hobbies

A Mom with Multiple Hobbies

by Ivy B

Welcome to another edition of Mom Hobby Inspiration!  Have you been inspired yet to make some time for yourself to do something you enjoy?

You know, so far, most of the moms I’ve interviewed have had one or two hobbies.  Even still, most of them have only really told you a story about one of them.  Today, though, I’m introducing a mom with not just one or two hobbies.  Jenni is a mom who has multiple hobbies.  I can’t even imagine having the time for more than the 2, and only one of mine takes me away from the house once a month (at best).  This mom has an amazing story, but I wished she could share her secret to finding the time for all her hobbies, not to mention working on two new ones in the same year.  Wow!

Inspiring story of a mom with multiple hobbies
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Meet Jenni

I met Jenni online in a mom bloggers group a few months ago and she happy accepted the opportunity to help me with this project.

Although she says she never really had an idea of what her family would look like, Jenni is a mom of two children on the Autism Spectrum, which is something she had never expected.  Additionally, she said she wouldn’t have a daughter who was all about pink stuff, but her daughter didn’t get the memo. (I’m right there with you! )

When you have to do whatever it is you have to do

When I asked Jenni if she had a story she could share about a time she had to get out of the house, funny or not, she said it wasn’t herself that was out of the house.  One day, her children were running around the house knocking over furniture having a grand old time.  The power was out in the house, they were stir crazy, and she was overwhelmed by the noise.  When she’d had more than she could handle, she sent the children out to play in the backyard.  She made herself a cup of cold milo, sat in the kitchen to watch them, and did some crochet.  Though, the power came on earlier than expected, she didn’t tell the kids.  They enjoyed the afternoon running around the back yard and yelling, while she was able to take her “me time” making a crochet blanket and enjoying the peace indoors.

Jenni's little superheroes in costume

Mom with Multiple Hobbies

I’m inspired by Jenni!  As much as I’m always trying to convince myself (and my readers) to find hobbies they enjoy, Jenni really has the right idea.  She blogs, does cross stitch, sews, and began to crochet last year.

I admire her ability to keep up with working part time, running the kids to specialists and therapy appointments, as well as finding the time to devote to her blog and craft projects.  She says “After a long tiring, sometimes stressful day, I wind down by hand sewing or working on a crochet project.”  Sewing not only helps her relax, but she finds herself making a lot of her son’s shorts to help with his sensory issues.

She started her blog Raising My Little Superheroes to share her family’s journey with Autism.  It helps her to clear her mind of everything they are going through.  She says she blogs whenever she is able to and works on her crafts most nights to relax and wind down.

jenni cross stitch

What Jenni tells me about her hobbies is this:

I ensure that I make time for my hobbies as I need “me time” to wind down and relax. To me it is important to remember and enjoy doing the things that I Iike to do. I am a mum but I’m also Jenni, I have an identity, and my hobbies are part of my identity. My daughter is starting to express an interest in sewing so that helps us to bond as I teach her to cross stitch and crochet.

If you’re interested in learning more about Jenni, you can follow her on Facebook.


I want to give you the opportunity to be featured.  Any mom hobby, no matter how mundane you believe it may be, can be an excellent source of inspiration for a mom struggling to maintain her sense of balance.  If you’d like to encourage another mom by sharing your mom hobby, click here to the mom hobby interview.

Please follow the rules of the interview – mainly, encouraging moms to join or start a business IS NOT the focus and will NOT be featured.  It’s okay if you make money from your hobby, but NOT okay if you only started something to make money.  We’re trying to free mom from thinking about more obligations.

If you have social media following, this is a good chance to get listed ?  Though I have begun publishing weekly, please take into account that I can only publish when I have time available.  The schedule may change based on how many people I have in que or any sponsored work that needs to be completed.  I’ll message you as soon as I am ready to acquire more information from you to complete the article.

Thank you, in advance, for helping me with this amazing project!

A mom with multiple hobbies shares her story

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1 comment

Baby May 20, 2017 - 11:16 am

Thanks for your great article !

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