Home Parenting TipsToddlers 6 FREE Chore Charts for Toddlers Printables

6 FREE Chore Charts for Toddlers Printables

by Ivy B

When you’re ready to teach toddler independence and responsibility, come up with chores for a toddler and check out these free toddler chore chart printables.

When my daughter was a toddler, I began having her do chores.  Mainly, I wanted to give her some direction during the day, aside from the simple home preschool things we were trying to do.  I’d realized early on that the busier I kept her, the better her attitude was.

She was always asking to help mommy and I needed to be able to get work done while she was awake.  Admittedly, I struggled with starting her on chores because I spent a lot of time worried about them getting done right.  Once I let go of the notion that things would be perfect, I realized how much better we were working together.  I was spending time with my daughter while getting things done.  Plus, I was teaching her responsibility and independence as a toddler, which was a bonus.

Having her working on chores allowed me to keep my house clean while bonding with my toddler and teaching her responsibility.

After you decide on chores for your toddler, the next thing to do is create a chart to track their successes.  Don’t want to do the work?  Check out these free toddler chore chart printables instead.

6 free toddler chore chart printables. Easily start your toddler on chores with one of these toddler chore charts. | www.sahmplus.com
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6 Free Toddler Chore Chart Printables

Toddler Chore Checklist Printable via Do-it-Yourself Danielle

This simple chore checklist printable doesn’t include photos for a toddler, but does offer great suggestions for toddler chores.

Dry Erase Toddler Chore Chart via SAHM, plus…

This is a DIY printable dry erase toddler chore chart.  I show you how to make your own toddler chore chart printable with images and offer a free download if you’d rather not do the work.

Create your own dry erase toddler chore chart OR download your own toddler chore chart for FREE from www.sahmplus.com

Printable Chore Chart via Pink When

This chore chart is completely blank, aside from the lines to write in chores and squares for stickers or check marks upon completion, making it perfect for more than just a toddler.

Printable Kids Commission and Reward Chart via Simplistically Living

Based on Dave Ramsey’s commission based system for kids, the free printable chore charts are good for all the kids in your family, not just for toddlers.

My Weekly Chores Free Printable via Kori At Home

Created mainly for autistic and special needs kids, this is a perfect printable chore chart with included visual aides for toddlers.

Free Printable Chore Chart via Delineate Your Dwelling

Another simply designed chore chart with no images and blanks to fill in your own chores, making it perfect for helpers of any age.

How do you keep your house clean with a toddler?  Do you have your tot do chores?

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Bri Adams February 7, 2018 - 5:21 pm

This is so great! I did this a while ago but made my own chore chart that wasn’t dry erase and as soon as I had to go print another one the whole program got derailed. I definitely need to just laminate a new one. These are super cute.

Ivy B February 7, 2018 - 7:30 pm

Yeah, dry erase was the way to go. My older one has a magnetic chore chart, which is really helpful too!

Dara February 7, 2018 - 7:20 pm

I made a chore chart for my kids, but I am terrible at actually following through and making them do it. I need help with my enforcing…can you help me with that?

Ivy B February 7, 2018 - 7:30 pm

LOL of course! Depends on the age, but my 6 year old has had chores since she was little. As a toddler, I didn’t require her to do chores, but she liked seeing the check marks. She had a sense of accomplishment with it so she asked to help a lot. As she got older, we tacked on small value to each chore to encourage her to do them, but nothing is ever really required. There have been times she hasn’t wanted to do her daily chores (like make her bed), but when we tell her “it’s your choice, but you don’t earn coins if you don’t work” she usually changes her mind. There are other chores, like folding laundry or helping with dinner, that we consider bonus chores and are worth more money. It’s stuff I’m going to do regardless, but would love the help with. When there’s money involved, there’s more at stake for everyone 😉 And, when you can pay little kids a quarter to help fold laundry, it’s TOTALLY worth it LOL.

atari breakout October 11, 2019 - 4:19 am

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shira falix November 25, 2020 - 11:55 pm

really, the next thing to do is create a chart to track their successes.

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