Home Family Life Happy New Year 2017 + Blog Challenge

Happy New Year 2017 + Blog Challenge

by Ivy B

Firstly, I want to thank you for following my blog in 2016!  You don’t know how much it means to me.  I’m grateful you’re sticking around for another year.  And I wanted to wish you, my awesome readers, a Happy New Year!

Wishing you a Happy New Year and participating in the ultimate blog challenge.  Ready for 2017?

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In a recent post, I shared some goals for 2017.  I’m preparing for a better year.  Not that 2016 was bad, but I want it to be better.  Why?  Stuff like this …

I totally forgot I signed up to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  It starts today!  The purpose is to write a blog post every day in January.

One of my blogging goals for 2017 was to share at least 2 posts a week.  I’m happy to report that I’ve already pre-scheduled my 2 posts a week for January.  And, I have some bonus content planned, so I actually have a couple weeks with 3 posts.  This is exciting for me, and hopefully for you as well.

Anyway, back to my “why” for a better New year….

Forgetting that I signed up for something has become pretty routine.  Being a busy SAHM of 2, and blogging in my “down time” keeps me … well… over worked.  When I sign up for new courses, I either forget, or never finish.  I’m totally working on my organization this year.  I’ve gotten quite a bit figured out in the last few months, but I really need to buckle down and put things on my calendar to make them happen.

From taking time to take care of myself, all the activities for my family, keeping up with the house, and blogging, I’ve got a lot on my mind.  Remembering it all isn’t as easy, so I’m working on scheduling everything.

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is just another example of how much I put on my already-full plate.  But, I’m also hoping it helps stir up some creative juices to start the New Year off on a more interesting note.

Your Turn: What are your goals for this year?  And, what would you like to read more about?

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