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Invest in Yourself and Learn How to Make Money Blogging

by Ivy B

So, I’ve been blogging for a few years.  What?  5 maybe?  As long as I’ve been doing this, I’m still going to consider myself a new blogger.  Why?  Because it wasn’t until the middle of 2016 that I changed my domain and tried to get professional.  Before then, I hadn’t really considered my blog a business.  But, I spend a lot of time on my blog and I am acting professionally.  So, I should be considering this my business, right?  Well, my biggest struggle is that I’m not earning enough from my blogging.  So, 2017 is the year to really get into gear with my business and make money blogging!

How about this … let’s work together to build our blogs and get out of whatever rut we’re in!  How are we going to do this?

Get educated!  You spend a lot of time building your blog, gaining traffic, and networking right?  So, let’s get educated so we can work smarter, not harder.  But, you can’t do that without learning from the Pros… at least, that’s what I’m beginning to believe.

Can you actually make money blogging? Make 2017 the year you learn to treat your blog like a business and rock sponsored posts
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*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.  Commissions earned are used to maintain this website.*
I never recommend a product or service I don’t personally believe will help you!

2017 is my year for blog conferences and e-courses.  Look, it’s essential for me to be rewarded for the time and attention I give to my blog, so I’m looking to increase sponsored posts on my blog this year.

Have you found it difficult to find the information you need to secure sponsored posts and earn money blogging?  Yeah, me too!  I mean, it’s fairly easy to find influencer networks … there’s all sorts of blog posts and Facebook groups sharing referrals to these kinds of things.  But, it’s a completely different story getting accepted for these networks, much less securing sponsored posts.  And, it’s even more difficult to secure sponsored posts on your own, right?

So, what do you do?

Find a mentor!


Can someone teach me how to make money blogging?

Will another blogger teach you how to make money blogging? Absolutely!

Well, that’s not always easy either, but Monica from Happy and Blessed Home and The 6 Figure Blog, is just the person to help with that.  This mom started a blog back when her family was having a difficult time, and she worked her way up to earning money from her first blog.  Later, she began The 6 Figure Blog so that she could help other people, like you and me, figure out how to make blogging work for them, too.  If you’re a seriously new blogger, I encourage you to check out her FREE online course called “How to Start a Blog.”

However, if you’re like me, and ready to really get into the grind, Monica has opened up a new course to teach you one way to make money blogging through sponsored posts.

Can I Actually Make Money Blogging?

Can you actually make money blogging? Yes, and I know just the person to help!

The answer is yes.  And Monica is out to show you just how she turned her blog into a 6 figure income!  She’s spilling the beans to help you!

9 Essential Steps to Rock Sponsored Posts

I was able to listen to the introduction to this course, and I can guarantee that Monica shares her real life experience and doesn’t fill the time with a bunch of fluff you can’t use.

If there’s one thing I’m doing differently this year, it’s constantly reminding myself to invest in my blog.  If you ever hope to build anything, it takes an investment.  Taking online courses like these and attending blog conferences is the way to go.

That said, I understand it’s a large investment.  Of course, you can always start with her free course and learn what you can.  I always recommend starting with the free stuff.  But, the more you invest, the better the results, right?  So, who’s going to invest in themselves?  I’d love for us to share and encourage each other to make 2017 the year we began to really make money blogging!

Course Dates and Details

Classes Start: February 8 – Student Orientation
Monday, February 13, 2017 9:30 AM MT 1st LIVE Class
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Registration Closes
Price $397 (see details for $100 off coupon)
Duration: 12 weeks w/one week off for spring break
Coupon: BYBC100OFF for $100 Off until 11:55 PM February 8, 2017
Are you ready to make money blogging yet?
Sign up today for the 12 week course where you learn the 9 Essential Steps to Rock Sponsored Posts, but don’t forget your coupon!

Recommended Reading

Other ways to invest in your blog and do more with Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Fantastic reasons to start a (stay at home) mom blog

How to increase traffic with Pinterest

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Savannah February 2, 2017 - 6:17 pm

Oh wow, this looks awesome! I totally said that 2017 was going to be MY year to be serious and really start making money on the blog, and what a great investment! Thanks so much for sharing <3

Ivy B February 2, 2017 - 9:03 pm

I’m glad you enjoyed it! Good luck with your blog 🙂

addy July 6, 2019 - 6:27 am

A very informative post there!! Many people hear that there is money in blogging but they give up too easily during the early stages. I hope these ideas will be and eye-opener to many who have blogs and they have never monetized them.

Good work, keep posting!!

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