Home Parenting Tips Top 10 Things I Need to Do Before I Go to Bed

Top 10 Things I Need to Do Before I Go to Bed

by Ivy B

I remember several years ago when my daughter was two, bedtime had just become a struggle.  Once we learned how to get her to sleep as a baby, she turned into a wonderful sleeper!  Most nights she slept 12 hours straight through.

Still, that didn’t prevent her from delaying bedtime as much as she could.

Here we are, again, with the second kid.  He’s three and he’s starting to do a bit of his own stalling before bed.

If you’re a parent, you know how this works.  And, it doesn’t seem to get better with age.  The kids just find different ways to delay bedtime and make it look a little more believable.

As a tiny tot, there just isn’t enough time in the day.  Am I right?!  And, no matter how much warning you’ve received, you’re scrambling to get more packed into the day.

Let’s pretend for a moment we’re two or three years old again.  It’s bed time, but you really need to take care of these things first.

I’m a toddler and …

These are the top 10 things I need to do before I go to bed

1) Take a bath and drink the bath water
2) Have a diaper changed that I didn’t want changed previously

3) Go pee pee in the potty
4) Eat the dinner I didn’t want 2 hours ago
5) Have a drink that’s been untouched for the last hour
6) Brush my teeth
7) Have a snack
8) Read more books
9) Sing more songs
10) Play another game
Spill it … what other things do your kids need to do when they hear “bed time”?


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