Home Family LifeHealth & Wellness 4 Ways Stressed Out Moms Can Calm Down Quickly

4 Ways Stressed Out Moms Can Calm Down Quickly

by Ivy B

Taking mom mental health time shouldn’t just be on a schedule.  When you recognize overwhelm or stress coming on, combat it quickly with these 4 easy tips.

Yesterday, I shared the goals I have for myself in 2018.  In my post about this mom’s 2018 goals, I specifically said I was going to schedule mommy’s time.

This morning, I realized I’m gonna have to do more than that in order to regain some sense of sanity.  As a mom of two children, one being a cranky toddler, once or twice a month just isn’t going to cut it.  I spent the morning cleaning laundry and packing up the kids to stay with their pawpaw in a few days.

I’ve been rushing from task to task, trying to get as much done as I could, early in the day.  All the while, my attention was constantly being diverted with a toddler who wanted anything and everything just to get my attention.

In an effort to mix things up, I sent the two kids to play in his room upstairs.  I asked my daughter to make sure he didn’t walk out of the room.  My main concern was that he’d walk out the door and tumble down the stairs.

Unfortunately, I kept hearing cries and screams coming from the other room and I had to drop my work and bring the kids back downstairs to play.  But when my presence didn’t help the toddler’s mood, I gave up completely and rushed him into his bedroom.  I left him in his crib and walked away.

Guys, as I still here looking at the TODAY mug I received while at Mom 2.017, drinking some Yogi skin detox tea, I realize, I can’t just focus on taking scheduled mental health time.  Sometimes, an exhausted mom just has to TAKE some mommy time.

My son earned himself quiet time.  Thankfully my daughter is self-sufficient for the most part, so asking her to take some time to herself wasn’t difficult.  And, I said “forget the scheduled time.”  I just decided to take some mom mental health time.

Taking mom mental health time doesn't always have to be scheduled. If you recognize the signs of stress and overwhelm as a parent, use these 4 quick tips for crushing stress. Quick ways for stressed out moms to lessen stress. | www.sahmplus.com
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How I’m Taking Mom Mental Health Time (and you can, too)

If you need a few self-care ideas that don’t take much time to think about or plan ahead, these are the 4 things I almost instinctively do to boost my mood and recover from a rough spell with the kids.

Sip a cup of something healthy.  I made myself a lovely cup of tea.  This time, I chose a pack of [easyazon_link identifier=”B003YJCUKM” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”ivsvabasaan0a-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y” popups=”y”]Yogi skin detox tea[/easyazon_link] I received in a MommyCon box to try.  Luckily for me, taking better care of my skin was on my list of goals for the new year, so I’m really  Most days I’d choose chamomile and honey.


Sipping something healthy while taking mom mental health time. Banishing mom stress with a cup of something healthy | www.sahmplus.comGive the kids a quiet activity.  If you can persuade the kids to work on something independently, try.  A box of magnet letters, coloring books, or felt play may be enough to keep them entertained without you for a few minutes.

Don’t feel bad about leaving them to work out their emotions.  Sometimes, I can’t figure out how to make one (or both) of the kids happy.  There’s no sense in continuing to stress myself out over it constantly, so I sometimes resort to leaving them in their rooms to sort it out themselves.  It’s OKAY!


Taking mom mental health time is easy when you plug in headphones. Tune into calming music and tune out the kids to conquer stress quickly | www.sahmplus.comPlug in headphones and listen to calming music.  I’ve sometimes found myself so stressed that I’ve had to completely tune out all sounds and re-balance.  My favorite way to finding mental health more quickly is to plug in my earbuds and listen to a Pandora radio station called New Age Instrumental Radio.  Any sounds that promote calm is a good choice.

I realized my plan for taking scheduled mommy time is a great plan to keep me sane throughout the year.  It will give me a chance to focus on myself and discover things I like to do alone.  But, taking mom mental health time in short spurts to combat the stress before it becomes overwhelm is another acceptable way to make it through the year with more sanity.  Being a stay at home mom is hard.  If we’re being honest, the kids get tired of you and you probably get tired of them.  Finding balance is a practice not to be taken lightly, and probably won’t come by simply sticking to a once or twice a month schedule.

If you need 15 minutes of mental health time, just take it!

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Mary Leigh January 2, 2018 - 10:03 pm

All really great tips! Staying healthy is so important as well as being ok giving the kids a quiet, independent activity and sitting down for a minute. Thanks for sharing these!

Kristi January 4, 2018 - 8:21 am

Great tips and reminders, especially for the new year and such a busy time. We all need to remember that we need to take care of ourselves and give ourselves some down time.

Stefanie January 4, 2018 - 10:09 am

Great tips. I’ve been a crazy Mom lately because of how busy we’ve been. I’m going to start implementing these ideas now!

Brandy January 4, 2018 - 10:14 am

This is really great. I know that being a stressed out Mom isn’t going to benefit anyone. I will have to take advantage of your tips to remain calm and keep my mental health going well!

Crystal January 4, 2018 - 7:46 pm

My goal for 2018 was to focus more on myself. I made myself a hair appointment for the weekend, so I feel like I’m off to a good start. These tips are great for the days when things just get to be too much. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to take a break!

lisalisa January 5, 2018 - 10:39 am

These are some great tips! I find music to really help me calm down when I have those stressful day! I’m trying hard to stop and take care of myself more with distressing, with a busy daily schedule it is mentally hard sometimes!

Emma January 21, 2018 - 11:49 pm

Great tips!
Taking preemptive steps to prevent getting myself from getting stressed out is one of my resolutions for this year. So far, it’s been really helpful. I hope it lasts.

Ivy B January 22, 2018 - 1:43 pm

I really hope you can cut it off at the pass. I’m kind of a lost cause with a toddler and a moody six year old LOL

Darcy July 7, 2018 - 10:21 am

That tea really looks Luke a great idea for my stressed out mommy days!!

Ivy B July 9, 2018 - 3:06 pm

It really was a good tea 😀

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