Home Mom LifeEncouragement for Moms 7 Ways I Prioritized Myself and Ditched the Mom Guilt!

7 Ways I Prioritized Myself and Ditched the Mom Guilt!

by Ivy B

7 things I did for myself this month that I actually feel good about!  Just a bit of encouragement for moms to make yourself a priority and ditch the mom guilt!

August and September were really busy months for me, as it likely was for you as well.

With summer coming to a close, I was looking forward to having more time on my hands.  But, back to school also revealed how far I’d gotten behind on working on the blog and writing new content.

Over the last few months, I wasn’t able to get as much done as I’d anticipated.  Between vacations, kids constantly around needing something, and some unexpected stress in the beginning of September, taking time for myself went by the wayside.  Meeting goals on the blog happened through luck, as it seems.  And getting any significant amount of work done was next to impossible.

I spent the summer months exhausted and burned out.

At the end of August, I knew it was time to make some serious changes to my routines.

Maybe you’re like me … overwhelmed and burned out.  Maybe not.  Perhaps you’re just looking for ways to give yourself some time to be more than just a a mom.

Whatever brings you here, I hope these 7 things I did give you some inspiration for things you do can for yourself.  Whether it’s to practice some self-love, take some mommy me time, or just giving yourself time to learn something new or work on personal goals, it’s my hope that you find these ideas useful!

Don’t have time or want to refer back to this post?  Know a mom who needs this?  Share this post and save it for future reading!

7 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority (And Not Feel Guilty About It)

In September, I hate healthier through the use of PlateJoy meal planning | sahmplus.com
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Ate Healthier

I’d gotten hooked on sugar again and was experiencing some inflammation and pain I hadn’t experienced in a long while.  After having gone Paleo I noticed a huge difference in how I felt in many ways, for the better.  Apparently, the long-term introduction of sugar after my pregnancy (2.5 years) was taking its toll on me again and I was beginning to feel horribly.

Though I won’t likely ever go back to a completely Paleo diet, I’ve adopted it more-so again through PlateJoy.

Aside from healthier eating, PlateJoy gives me more time as I spend less time online searching recipes.  Plus, we’re not experiencing the dinner rut and total boredom from the meal routine we had going on.

Be sure to check out my initial PlateJoy review.

Tip #1 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Choose to eat healthier and or drink more water.  Your body will thank you and your family will benefit from it, too.  The bonus is joining a meal planning service that can give you more time while helping you achieve dietary goals.

Joined the YMCA

Although the reason for joining the Y wasn’t for the health, I know I’ve received some major benefits in that department, too.

To be honest, my 2.5 year old son has been quite the handful and I’ve simply needed more time away from him to maintain sanity.  With the KidZone childcare included in the membership at the YMCA, it seemed like a no-brainer.

From the first Yoga class I took, I could tell that, despite lifting a 30 lb toddler all the time, I wasn’t nearly as strong as I should be.  My breathing was indicative of the stress I was under and I realized that I was going to benefit much more greatly from joining the Y than simply having a break from my toddler!

Tip #2 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Get active.  Even if you can’t afford to go to a gym, take some time to become (intentionally) active in some way.  Can’t leave the kid? There’s stroller fitness classes.  Even regular walks are good for the whole family.

Reading The Last Kingdom in the school pickup line before school lets out | sahmplus.com

Finished a Book

Well, I started this book in August and it took me forever to read it.  I maxed out the number of renewals on my library checkout, despite the fact I had a 4 day vacation away from the kids and read as much as I possibly could.

Several months ago, I got hooked on the show The Last Kingdom on Netflix, then found out it was based on a book series and I had to read it.  I’d been dying to try to get into the habit of reading again after learning that 6 minutes of reading a day can lower stress.  Guys, I’m a crazy ass toddler mom, but I couldn’t force myself to find the time for 6 minutes!  What?!

Related Reading: How Reading Reduces Stress

Well, this show was JUST the motivation I needed!

So, stealing a few minutes to read in the car while sitting in the school pickup line and occasionally at night, I finally finished the first book in the series, The Last Kingdom.

The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Chronicles Series #1)
  • Great product!
  • Cornwell, Bernard (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 368 Pages – 01/03/2006 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

Tip #3 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Sneak at least 6 minutes of continuous reading into your day.  I know it can seem hard, but it’s 6 minutes!  Car line, waiting at the bus stop, or hiding in the bathroom.  Just take the 6 minutes!

Began an Online Course

There’s a certain aspect in my blogging career that I’ve needed to get a handle on.  So, despite all the crazy, I joined an online course that included 1 day of intense live classes for 4 weeks.  Though it actually added to a bit of my stress, I chose to do as something I felt I needed, even though right then wasn’t exactly the right time.

I chose to invest in myself again and I’ve taken a good amount of time to actually go through the coursework.

What I’ve learned, however, is how little time I actually have.  But, it’s essentially teaching me that I’ve got to get even more organized.

So, I’ve been going deeper in my schedule organizing down to 30 minute increments to see the short blocks of time I have available to fit in everything else.

Tip #4 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Learn something new or build on a skill you already have!  You’re still an individual … treat yourself as such and give yourself the time to be you.  And this doesn’t have to even be for work.  Learn a new hobby!

Hired a VA

I’ve had a few goals when it came to the blog, but I was running out of time to complete even the most menial tasks associated with it.  Honestly, I didn’t want to do it.  So, in an effort to gain a little more time but still get some promotional things done, I finally hired a VA to help me with a few tasks during the week.

My hope is that , by offloading some social media tasks, I don’t get sucked into social media, lost in reading what other people are doing.  I’d really like to sit down and focus more on writing or creating new items for the Etsy shop.

Plus, it’s my hope to meet some new goals on the blogging front.  With my VA’s help, I’m hoping to meet those goals a little sooner!

Tip #5 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Give yourself some time.  Can you outsource something you don’t want to do?  I’m a huge fan of delegating responsibilities.  That’s why I have an automatic [easyazon_link identifier=”B01DZWX5II” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”ivsvabasaan0a-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y” popups=”n”]vacuum cleaner[/easyazon_link]!

Holding two skincare products I'm using twice daily. September, I started a skincare routine for my face. Just one of the things I did to practice self love in September | sahmplus.com

Started a New Face Skincare Routine

I’m terrible about getting into the habit of skincare.  But, a few slightly more emphasized wrinkles around my eyes motivated me to attempt to stick with it.  I’m now applying Marula Oil (received in one of my Ecocentric Mom Subscription Boxes) and an Under Eye Cream (purchased from my local salon) morning and night.

Tip #6 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Start a new healthy habit that will make you feel better.  My new face routine takes me about 3 minutes, just out of the shower.  Can you find 3 to 5 minutes for a daily routine (or twice a day) to do something that makes you feel good?

Continued Having Groceries Delivered

Sometimes, I look at the grocery bill from Shipt and wonder why I continue to pay so much more on my groceries, plus tip, when the store is 2 minutes from my house.

Then, I take the kids to the store and I’m instantly reminded why I keep my grocery delivery service.  It’s for my sanity.  I don’t have kids begging for everything they see, fighting over the steering wheels in the buggy, and screaming when things don’t go there way.

Yep, I keep my grocery delivery from Shipt because I’m a better person not visiting a store with them.  Plus, the hour to hour and a half someone else is doing my shopping, I’m able to get another item or two checked off my to-do list.

Tip #7 to Make Yourself a Priority:

Don’t do something that will bring you more stress (if you can help it).  If the kids stress you out on shopping trips, have groceries delivered or shop online!  It’s okay to say no or take stuff off your plate!

If you struggle with making yourself (or your husband) a priority, I’d love for you to join my Facebook Group.  It’s a sweet community of moms who are (or have been) in your shoes.  We’re just trying to find a balance and ditch the guilt associated with “taking time away from our kids.”  I’ll encourage you to be just a little “selfish” but it’s all for improving your relationship with your husband or becoming a more fulfilled individual who “isn’t just a mom.”


Make yourself a priority and ditch the mom guilt? It's possible to make time for yourself & practice self-care without your family sacrificing a lot! | sahmplus.com
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Ana Jacqueine September 24, 2018 - 9:01 pm

Making ourselves a priority, as mothers, is difficult but it’s so necessary! I especially love the finishing a book tip and exercising. A little self love goes a long way. Plus, we deserve it!

Sunny Jess September 24, 2018 - 10:57 pm

Mom guilt is such a real thing! It’s so hard to not feel guilty when you take time away from your family and kids to spend it on yourself, but I love everything that you wrote here, these are some great suggestions!

XXOO Sunny

Laura September 25, 2018 - 9:47 am

I love all of these! They are all such great ways to positively add to your life! I have implemented some but let some fall by the way side

Rachel September 25, 2018 - 11:55 am

I have “outsourced” some things like groceries being delivered to free up time for myself. I also ditch housework to read sometimes. Someone else can do the dang dishes.

Sigrid Chu October 12, 2018 - 10:45 pm

Hello Ivy,

Thank you for sharing the ways you make yourself a priority. I love tip #2 Finish a Book. I have so many books that I started and I just want to finish one of them! Feels a lot like I’ve got unfinished business. I look forward to reading more of your blog!


Ivy B October 16, 2018 - 9:33 am

I hope you have time to finish some of your books! But, I completely understand the stacks of unfinished ones. I still have some myself!

Brooks October 22, 2018 - 7:11 pm

I love this! I’m really struggling with making myself a priority, so I definitely needed to read this. Keep it up momma!

Ivy B October 22, 2018 - 8:06 pm

I think we all go through it. Give yourself a few minutes to start if you need to … I once told a friend to take 15 minutes at the coffee shop before going for her weekly grocery shopping. 😉

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