Home Family LifeFunEntertainment Venturing Outdoors Despite Rainy Weather Predictions

Venturing Outdoors Despite Rainy Weather Predictions

by Ivy B

Over the course of a few days, I had activities planned with the kiddo that required us to venture away from home, outdoors and on days that had not-so-good weather forecasts.  The first activity was nearly an hour from home to visit the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine and the prediction was rainy.  I almost backed out of the plan, but the kiddo was insistent that we go to the Alligator Farm.

petting snake St. Augustine Alligator Farm #jaxblogger #flblogger #ivysvariety
This kid is so much braver than me! Petting a snake at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm

If she had been younger and needier, making that trip wouldn’t have even been an option.  I would have canceled because little ones are so difficult to pack up and move around in the rain.  At 3, she’s difficult, but in a different way.  At least she’s capable of helping these days.  So, I opted to make the trip even though I didn’t think it would be worth the travel.

Boy, was I wrong.  It stayed overcast for the day and it was hot and muggy, but it wasn’t blistering because the blazing Florida sun wasn’t beating down on us.  It ended up being a wonderful day to visit and we stayed in the park from 10 a.m. to nearly 3:00 p.m.  I was exhausted, but glad my kiddo had pushed for us to go.

The rest of the weekend, I continued the trend by visiting our local Saturday market (the Riverside Arts Market).  I was in need of local fruits and vegetables.  It was sprinkling at the house and projected to be quite a wet day, but we packed up and headed downtown anyway.  When we got there, it was hardly sprinkling, though the ground was quite damp and puddles were scattered throughout the parking lots, but it was cool out.  In fact, it was cool enough with the breeze under the bridge that I really could have used a sweater.

enjoying locally made ice cream at RAM #jaxblogger #flblogger
Kiddo enjoying locally made ice cream at Riverside Arts Market on a cool day

By venturing out on those days, I escaped what could have been a very long weekend of whining from a kiddo who clearly yearned for time outside of the house.  We lucked out by having a great time throughout the weekend and I was glad I hadn’t wasted the weekend being stuck indoors.  I think the best parts of venturing out on projected bad weather days was that everyone felt the way I normally do and the places we visited weren’t crowded because of it.  The cooler weather and less crowded outdoor venues made for some good time to enjoy ourselves and still be able to get things done.

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